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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

CIO’s constantly face the complex decision for a Business Process Management strategy: build a custom application; buy an off the shelf commercial application; buy a BPM/BPA Suite; choose a Hybrid approach.

The build option has historically been the most common path to meeting the exact business needs of a desired application. But building comes with unique resource requirements, longer timelines, and rigid change management that reduce agility.

There are focused off-the-shelf commercial applications for almost all business needs. Most of these applications will meet about 80% of an organization’s requirements, but seem to miss 20% of the requirements. Many applications offer APIs to extend and add functionality, but this requires custom development or hiring the 3rd party’s services team to accomplish.

The Business Process Management/Business Process Application suites are just about always in the mix, but there is always some deep education required regarding their capabilities. And, quite often, core resistance to them from the development teams is prevalent. These platforms can be perceived as a threat, but smart managers see them as powerful tools that can lead to reduced delivery time, increased agility and provide a driver for accomplishing more with less. The benefits are shorter development times, agility in modifying the applications, and creating specific applications that map to the business.

The hybrid approach seems to be gaining in popularity. Many organizations are looking for BPM/BPA platforms to round out their existing process. It might be a custom project where they need a workflow engine, or a data integration layer, and see the platform as a way to provide core capabilities. Perhaps they purchased an off the shelf application, and need to customize it, or wrap it with a more capable forms or reporting engine. Anything is possible.

Please check out this recent post for additional information. Our experts can assist you in making the correct choice for your organization.



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